Weekly Update: Manawatu Gorge 2017 closure project update no. 5

In Uncategorized3 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineAugust 21, 2017

Weekly update No. 5: Manawatu Gorge closure

This weekly update, 18 August 2017, is produced by the NZ Transport Agency to provide the latest information about the impact of the Manawatu Gorge closure since slips caused damage on 24 April 2017.

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We‘re keen to hear your questions or any feedback about our work. Drop us a line at: manawatugorge@nzta.govt.nz and we will get back to you within 3 working days.

Status of Manawatu Gorge

The latest report on the Manawatu Gorge is that land around Kerry‘s Wall is continuing to move at a rate of approximately 80mm per month. It is still unsafe for our staff and contractors to enter the area around Kerry‘s Wall to clear debris and carry out repairs. We have also installed a fence to ensure people do not endanger their lives by walking into the gorge from the roadside.

Next week, contractors will inspect the gorge (away from Kerry‘s Wall) to determine if there are any further slips.  We will make a decision to fly a drone through the gorge once we have completed that evaluation.

Have your say – Manawatu Gorge alternative route

Next week we will announce the consultancy firm who has been awarded the tender to develop a detailed business case about options for the Manawatu Gorge alternative route.

One of the first actions we require of the successful consultant is to work with us and develop a plan to ensure there is effective public engagement on choosing an option. This will be done in accordance with the NZ Transport Agency‘s Public Engagement Guidelines.

A final option for an alternative route will go to the Transport Agency Board in December. Due to this short timeframe we will initially consult with you on a long list of options. Your feedback will help our assessment process. Once we have refined that list, we will return to you with a short list of options for your consideration.

We will work through timeframes as part of our planning process and will come back to you with more details in the next couple of weeks.

Installation of signs in Ashhurst is underway

Speed cushion: Worcester Street
