Trucking Radio 24/7 turns one

In News1 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineAugust 11, 2023

Trucking Radio 24/7 is celebrating its one-year anniversary this month.

The radio station, launched in August 2022 and dedicated to the trucking sector, was designed to be enjoyed by truck drivers on the road.

The station features a mix of music, regional roading reports including major closures and detours, port and ferry crossing updates, industry-based interviews, and the latest transport-related news.

Key industry players also feature on the station, with updates from National Road Carriers, Transporting New Zealand and other transport advocates. Regular programmes feature every week with Clint Brown on sport, fishing with Mark Kitteridge, and economic updates from Cameron Bagrie.

“What a great story Trucking Radio 24/7 has been right from the outset,” said editorial director at New Zealand Trucking Media, Dave McCoid.

“A niche radio station that’s found an instant home across a broad listening base. We’ve got some wonderful plans going forward – the possibilities are truly endless in terms of a way to connect people and industry.”

You can download the Trucking Radio app at both the Google and Apple stores or listen on iHeart Radio.