Transporting New Zealand unveils Diversity Toolbox

In December 2023 - January 2024, Industry Update4 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineFebruary 12, 2024

Transporting New Zealand’s Diversity Toolbox officially launched in October, representing a big drive forward for New Zealand’s transport industry.

Developed in partnership with Teletrac Navman, the Diversity Toolbox is a set of practical resources designed to make the road freight sector a more welcoming place for people wanting to work in it. The launch was the latest element of the Driving Change Diversity Programme, which is part of the road freight industry’s Te ara ki tua Road to success programme.

The official launch event for the Diversity Toolbox was held at Alexander Group’s Waikato Hub in Hautapu, just outside Hamilton.

The keynote speaker was former Black Sticks hockey star and Olympian Brooke Neal, who spoke about success and being focused on the goal, and what impacts hyper-focus can have on people’s mental health and wellbeing.

The big question we should all consider is this: What does success look like? Brooke called for all of us to spend some more time reflecting on this question and ask: What are your goals? What does matter? What are the things that define you?

Transporting New Zealand policy and projects advisor Billy Clemens said Neal’s speech focused on the importance of maintaining your personal wellbeing when operating in high-pressure, high-performance environment.

“It wasn’t until Brooke started prioritising her mental health and practicing mindfulness that she was able to achieve her goal of becoming the Black Sticks’ best defender, leading on to Commonwealth and Olympic medals,” he said.

“Brooke’s speech was a good reminder of the importance of good diversity and inclusion practices to employee wellbeing and positive mindset.”

Clemens said that when job applicants and staff feel uncomfortable or marginalised in a workplace due to their gender identity, culture, sexual orientation or age, their performance and mindset is going to suffer.

“The Diversity Toolbox is full of helpful resources and tips, starting with how to write a job ad that appeals to a wide pool of candidates. We’ve created lots of useful tools and resources that are free for everyone to use. Trucking businesses of all sizes will find the Diversity Toolbox useful and we encourage operators to have a look at what’s on offer,” he said.

“You might be one of the many operators already doing great work to create a supportive environment for all your staff, or just starting out on the journey.”

The Diversity Toolbox is all about encouraging a diverse and well-supported workforce in order to ensure businesses’ long-term success.

Its resources are one way of helping welcome and manage both new and existing people in the industry. The toolbox is made to support and assist operators and businesses manage the change with what matters to modern workers.

The Speaking Up workplace posters and accompanying pamphlet can be used by businesses of all sizes. Just add the details of a relevant manager or HR rep and they’re ready to go up in the smoko room.

The Supporting Your Employees booklet is a helpful go-to for all managers and supervisors in transport businesses. It’s a pocket- guide to helping employees with living with neurodiversity (everything from ADHD to dyslexia), handling bullying and harassment allegations promptly and sensitively, and managing mental health and wellbeing challenges.