Transporting New Zealand celebrates industry at awards night

Transporting New Zealand has announced the winners of its 2023 industry awards.
The Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand awards recognise best practice or behaviour and honour an individual, organisation, or company that has gone above and beyond in raising skills, awareness, safety practices, knowledge, training, innovation or expertise.
The awards honour activities and achievements that improve the daily lives of the public or ensure the industry is a rewarding and safe environment to work in.
There are six categories: ERoad Outstanding Contribution to Health and Safety, Teletrac Navman Outstanding Contribution by a Woman in the Road Transport Industry, ERoad Young Driver of the Year, Fruehauf Outstanding Contribution to Innovation Award, Hanga-Aro-Rau Outstanding Contribution to Training Award, and VTNZ Supreme Contribution to NZ Road Transport.
EROAD Outstanding Contribution to Health and Safety Award – awarded to Tania Breach of Clive Taylor Haulage.
“Tania is a big believer in giving their drivers the tools to be safety focused and has got them through training courses and MITO micro-credentials to help with their knowledge and growth.”
Teletrac Navman Outstanding Contribution by a Woman in The Road Transport Industry – awarded to Verna Niao, executive director at MITO Te Pukenga.
“Verna is a person who is key to the training for the whole sector. She is someone who has devoted her working life to helping get the skills to provide New Zealanders with great careers in all spheres of industry.”
EROAD 2023 Young Driver of the Year (under 35) – awarded to Mackenzie Lintern.
“This year’s winner is one of the graduates of Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand’s Te Ara ki tua Road to success programme. Our winner started her trucking career after leaving school in Year 12 to deliver groceries before joining the scheme and she has done nothing but impress everyone with her enthusiasm and professionalism. Mackenzie currently works for NZ Crane Hire, but started out as a trainee with Mackleys Carriers.”
Fruehauf Outstanding Innovation Contribution – awarded to CR Grace, Martinborough Transport, and Stephenson Transport.
“The winning nomination required the demonstration of considerable leadership and management across multiple organisational levels for their trialling of an innovative alternative fatigue management approach when transporting livestock.”
Hanga-Aro-Rau Outstanding Contribution to Training Award – awarded to Booth’s Logistics.
“The winner of this year’s award for Outstanding Contribution to Training is a company with an attitude of making things happen. It’s also a firm that makes sure all its staff get the chance to learn, in a way that suits them. Booth’s cadetship programme brings team members into the business, providing training in all areas and this adds a depth of skill and knowledge throughout the whole organisation.”
VTNZ Supreme Contribution to New Zealand Road Transport – awarded to HW Richardson Group.
“HW Richardson is New Zealand’s largest privately-owned transport company, with more than 2500 employers in New Zealand and Australia, and operates in six industry sectors with a revenue of $2 billion a year. And now it is starting on a ground-breaking fuel project to reduce fuel emissions, and encourage cleaner transport throughout Aotearoa.
“It took 14 months to get the programme underway with the first truck being a converted 2023 DAF XF. Nine more planned later this year, along with a hydrogen fuelling station planned for Gore.
“It’s the first stage of a major investment by HW Richardson designed to ultimately benefit all New Zealand’s transport operators, and the planet as well.
“For all these major innovations, we salute HW Richardson, the 2023 winner of the VTNZ Supreme Contribution to New Zealand Road Transport Award.”