Transporting New Zealand backs speed limit changes

National road freight association Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand has welcomed the Government move to reverse speed limit reductions, saying the changes will reduce journey times and help avoid dangerous behaviour by frustrated drivers.
Chief executive Dom Kalasih said the changes reflect the Government’s more balanced approach to speed management, taking a cost-benefit approach to speed limit setting.
“Our members have been frustrated by blanket speed reductions around the country over the past four years that did not adequately consider the impact of increased journey times, dangerous overtaking and tailgating by frustrated drivers, and increased freight costs for businesses and consumers and we’ve made these points consistently to road controlling authorities across the country,” he said.
“We’re pleased to see the programme of speed limit reversals getting underway, as directed by the Government’s Setting of Speed Limits 2024 Land Transport Rule.”
Kalasih said that while appropriate speed limits play a vital role in road safety, they need to be considered alongside good roading design and effective enforcement.
“It is crucial that Government continues to invest in adequate maintenance, roading improvements, and effective enforcement of RIDS (restraints, impairment, distraction and speed).
“Speed limit setting is only one key element of supporting road safety and reducing our road toll.”