TRAINING: What it is, and why it’s important

In July 2024, Health and Safety3 MinutesBy Kaye ByrneAugust 24, 2024

Safewise consultant Kaye Byrne talks about investing in staff education and development.

Over the past couple of decades, technology has dramatically changed how people work. Work-life balance and a positive workplace culture should be top priorities. People collaborate more in open-plan offices or work remotely instead of occupying desks in cubicles in big office blocks. Business is changing, and staff development is more important than ever because of how quickly things are changing.

People have told me that they would stay long-term with an organisation that invested more in employee education and development. This can improve company culture, increase productivity, and support workplace safety.

Any instructions or activity that gives workers new skills or enhances their existing abilities is considered employee training. This can be from teaching the “new kid on the block” the ins and outs of a specific job to providing safety training for the entire staff.

Benefits of training for employees

Providing employees access to high-quality training/development gives them more job confidence and increases satisfaction. Other reasons employees appreciate good training include:

  • increased autonomy in the workplace
  • a safer work environment
  • the feeling of support and encouragement from their employer
  • acquiring skills and knowledge that may lead to career advancements; and
  • developing a great understanding of their roles and the roles of others.

Benefits for the organisation

It goes without saying that contented and trained workers are advantageous to any organisation. When employees are happy, they are less likely to look for opportunities elsewhere, which lowers your turnover rate. Other reasons employee training is beneficial to the organisation include:

  • safer workplace
  • increased profits due to better performance and higher productivity
  • enhanced organisation recognition as workers rave about how much they love their jobs at the company
  • increased worker participation and enthusiasm
  • improved company culture
  • a morale boost for all; and
  • the ability to implement new processes with greater ease.

It is important that employees receive adequate training. Giving them the skills they need to perform their jobs well starts with training. By training staff, you can raise the calibre of their work and increase productivity throughout the whole organisation. Staff development is an ongoing process of investing in your employees’ skills and knowledge as well acquiring new essential qualities.