Speed limit changes on the cards for Tāmaki Makaurau

Auckland Transport is asking for feedback on a proposal to change the speed limits of approximately 800 roads around the region.
Most of the proposed changes involve 462 roads near 57 schools around the region and 208 rural roads.
Feedback is being sought on the proposal, which also includes roads in Ōtara Town Centre, residential roads in Manurewa as well as roads, mostly in Ponsonby and Freemans Bay, that have been requested by communities.
AT is legally required to investigate speed limits and, when it finds speed limits are not safe and appropriate, is legally required to make changes.
AT’s road safety engineering manager Michael Brown said the proposed new limits will support travel speeds that are safe and appropriate for the function, design and use of the roads.
“Improving safety around schools is an area of focus for AT as well as central government. These proposed changes will help to make it safer for children walking or cycling to school.
“Research shows there is strong community support for speed limit changes with 78 percent of people supporting speed reductions around schools.”
Brown said most of the proposed changes will have little impact on journey times for motorists.
“On 90 percent of these roads, many drivers are already travelling much slower than the current speed limit due to the conditions. In rural areas, that’s often because the roads are narrow and windy. And in urban areas, it’s due to things like speed humps, congestion and knowing that the current speed limit is not appropriate.”
He added some of the proposed changes are on high-risk roads – where there is a greater chance of deaths or serious injuries occurring.