Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency is proposing new speed limits for State Highway 3 Napier Road between Palmerston North and Ashhurst.
Alongside the speed review, Waka Kotahi is also designing new safety infrastructure improvements for the road.
Between 2011 and 2020, there were three people killed and 80 people injured in crashes on SH3 Napier Road.
During February and March, Waka Kotahi engaged with stakeholders and the community to hear about the speed limits on SH3 Napier Road. Waka Kotahi also sought feedback on planned infrastructure improvements, including the construction of traffic signals and facilities for people walking and cycling.
“More than 200 people shared their thoughts about speed and safety on SH3 Napier Road. As well as moving forward with the design of infrastructure improvements, we are now proposing to change some of the speed limits on the route as soon as possible to make them safer,” said director of regional relationships Linda Stewart.
“This road has undergone significant change with development in Palmerston North leading to an increase in the number and type of vehicles using it. The use of the alternative route (Saddle Road) from Ashhurst to Woodville has also resulted in increased traffic and safety impacts on this corridor.”