The Government’s Road User Charges discount scheme will come to an end 31 January.
The discount was part of the Government’s Wellbeing Budget 2022 – A Secure Future. The scheme reduced RUC rates by 36%, as part of a transport temporary relief package to support New Zealanders through the global energy crisis.
RUC purchased from February 1 will be paid at the normal rates. Petrol tax and public transport discounts will be cut progressively and will end on March 31.
Waka Kotahi advises operators of heavy vehicles they will need to have purchased a new licence before March 2023. This change should be treated the same as when other rate changes occur.
Light diesel vehicles do not have that same legislative requirement. Light diesel vehicles will be monitored for any excessive purchasing prior to February 1.
Waka Kotahi has advised may audit RUC vehicles for any excessive purchasing.
Full information and rates going forward can be found here: https://www.nzta.govt.nz/vehicles/road-user-charges/ruc-rates-and-transaction-fees/.