Prime Mover tells the story of Warwick Johnson, the man who moved more than 25,000 buildings in a career spanning more than 60 years. In his own words, Warwick (now 87) takes readers through his life story, focusing on his years as a Waikato-based building remover. Through his work, Warwick has had a significant influence on how building removals are performed today.
This beautifully presented 200-page publication includes more than 150 images from Warwick‘s collection, illustrating his story from childhood to today. The book details how things got done in the days when one‘s wits and smarts determined health and safety and best practice. A likeable grass-roots character, witty and at times a law unto himself, he would get into situations others wouldn‘t dare.
Prime Mover is published by Long Haul Publications and is available to order online at
The book costs $49.00. A $9.00 postage and handling fee will be added during the checkout process.
Warwick is a huge supporter of St John and will donate part of the profits from Prime Mover’s sale to help fund a new ambulance.