Look at the amazing cab-side artwork on the S770 by Jasen Ngatuere of Signs & Tints in Masterton, and you know that a whole heap is going on.
The warrior depicts Trevor Hawkins and the hawk on his shoulder, his wife, Carol. The three hawks in the lower section are Daniel, Josh and Jared, and the rose, of course, is Carlene. The egg-timer depicts the passing of time and honours the company’s 40 years in 2021. The lighthouse in the lower left is Cape Palliser, where Trevor and Carol have their baches and where they enjoy spending time.
The North and South Island and Snow Cat depict the nature of Chris’ work, roaming the nation. The individual koru you see inside the islands number nine; eight for Trevor Piper McGergor gives No.Z35 a spruce-up. and Carol’s grandchildren, and one for their great-grandchild.
Additional to the personal messaging are the Griffin and neat Vabis monograms, a tribute to the truck and the brand’s history.
‘4H0RI’ The riddle of the number plate – the revered Foden S108 had the words Hori Hawkins Heavy Haulage (note, four ‘H’s) on the side of the cab. When Trevor retired from the business, the boys bought him the number plate ‘4 HORI’ for his ute. How cool is all that?
I wish more people had more to do with the trucking industry. Our young people really need no other industry to set them up.
Once again, unbelievable, passionate people with a story that ranks with the best we’ve encountered.
To Daniel, Josh and Jared Hawkins: Thanks for an amazing couple of days and wonderful hospitality. It’s a call- in every time now. The folk we talked to were right. And whoever made the muffins – bang on!
To Trevor Hawkins: Thanks for popping in, gritting your teeth for a pic, and decisions past.
Chris Berghan: Thanks for lessons in lots, and a great yarn while trundling along. Fantastic company.
To Mark Nurse and Alfons Reitsma at Scania: Many thanks for the facts, stats and checks. To Deon Stephens: Thanks for leaping out of your skin like a Scania-crazed 14-year-old every time we ring and facilitating whatever we ask.
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