Navigate your way to the Teletrac Navman TMS Conference and Exhibition

Representing a concerted effort by two leading industry organisations to centralise multiple smaller events into a singular, dynamic two-day learning and networking opportunity, the Teletrac Navman Technology, Maintenance, Safety (TMS) Conference and Exhibition will transform your conference experience.
This is your chance to invest in your team’s growth within the impressive Te Pae Christchurch Convention Centre, featuring many heavy vehicle displays and machinery exhibitions, creating the perfect atmosphere for business development and industry engagement.
Technological advancements and sector insights
The Teletrac Navman TMS Conference will present a wide array of sessions, including in-depth panel discussions on the latest diesel-electric and hydrogen technologies. Participants will gain valuable insights from industry leaders who have pioneered the integration of alternative fuels into their operations. The conference will challenge your teams to consider their readiness for technological advancements and the competencies needed to excel in an evolving industry.
Prioritising safety and enhancing workforce skills
The transport industry’s commitment to safety is more critical than ever, underscored by recent WorkSafe publications. John Sansom will provide an update on the innovative HARMfree Transport & Logistics workplace safety programme. The conference will also share success stories from companies implementing exemplary work design practices. Attendees will learn about the New Zealand TruckSafe Accreditation Safety Management System and can network with Australian operators who are TruckSafe-accredited, gaining insights into their safety management systems. The conference will further discuss strategies for emission reduction, including the implementation of powered axles.
Diverse participation and industry growth
The Teletrac Navman TMS Conference and Exhibition is designed to assemble a broad spectrum of industry professionals, from business leaders and senior managers to hands-on technicians and fleet managers. Health and safety managers, manufacturers, truck distributors and industry suppliers across New Zealand will find significant value in attending. The event also aims to support the professional development of the emerging workforce, encouraging companies to include their younger team members.
Inaugural industry awards
The Teletrac Navman TMS will introduce three prestigious industry awards: the Technology Award, the Maintenance Award and the Safety Award to celebrate significant contributions to the industry’s advancement. The awards ceremony is set to be a highlight of the conference, scheduled for the evening of March 13, at the networking event in the Majestic on Durham Street, Christchurch.
We’ll see you there
The conference has received endorsements from various industry associations, including Ground Spreaders, Heavy Haulage, the Crane Association and CILT, all of which have encouraged their members to participate.
Teletrac Navman, the event’s primary sponsor, is committed to fostering innovation and growth within the transport sector. Megan Duncan, director of global marketing operations, emphasises the company’s dedication to the collective progress of New Zealand’s transport industry.
Presented by the New Zealand Trucking Association and National Road Carriers on 13-14 March, 2024, the Teletrac Navman TMS Conference and Exhibition is more than just an event; it’s a transformative experience. Mark your calendars and plan to join us in Christchurch for an immersive two days of knowledge-sharing, innovation and networking. This is an opportunity not to be missed. Plan your trip now.