This month, we visit the Multi-Ag team, in the heart of South Canterbury’s Waimate district, with co-owners and brothers Scott and Craig Wilson at the coalface getting the work done.
We caught up with Craig and chatted about the brothers’ history and how they ended up in business together. We also asked the burning question, how did they end up owning two well- known North Island K104 Kenworths? “My brother Scott and I have grown up in the middle of a farming family. Naturally, helping out on the farm, you end up kicking around machinery. That’s where the interest started. Then you reach that age and stage where bigger is better, and you want to do the OE, so Scott and I have both done a stint on the big gear in Aussie, mostly Western Australia. We did a bit of everything – big ag (agriculture) gear, tractors, combines and that sort of thing, as well as mining road trains. Yeah, fun times,” Craig explains.
“When we got back from Aussie in about 2015, we came back to the district and decided to get straight into what we knew best – operating machinery and servicing the local farming community with all aspects of agrigultural contracting. So we need trucks to transport equipment and product to farms, sheds and silos. From our experiences in the outback of Australia, you soon get to know that if it’s Kenworth, Caterpillar and Roadranger, it’s going to get you home.”

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