Miraka Launches NZ’s First Green Hydrogen Dual-Fuel Milk Collection Tanker

Dairy processing company Miraka has launched New Zealand’s first green hydrogen dual-fuel milk collection tanker.
The initiative is part of the company’s kaitiakitanga objectives and is expected to achieve a significant reduction in milk collection transport CO2 emissions.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from on-farm milk collection has been a key goal for the innovative, Māori-owned, Taupō based dairy company. The Miraka dairy plant already has one of the world’s lowest manufacturing carbon emissions footprints, emitting 92% less CO2 than traditional coal-fired dairy factories.
The FH16 700 Volvo green hydrogen-diesel dual-fuel milk collection tanker is a first of its kind for milk collection in Aotearoa New Zealand. It will cover approximately 165,000km annually. It has the capacity to haul 58 metric tonnes and requires two hydrogen refills daily.
Chair of Miraka, Bruce Scott, said the introduction of the first green hydrogen dual-fuel milk collection tanker marked another significant milestone for the company.
“This new vehicle aligns with our founders’ kaitiakitanga vision and values and our commitment to environmental care, supporting Aotearoa New Zealand’s transition to a low-carbon future,” he said.
Miraka CEO, Karl Gradon, said, “Although hydrogen-powered vehicles are still an emerging technology, we believe green hydrogen represents the most environmentally appropriate energy source for heavy freight”
“Our green hydrogen dual-fuel tanker is designed to reduce milk collection CO2 emissions by approximately 35%per vehicle, benefitting te taiao, the environment and our community,” he said.
“We’re proud to reach this milestone. I especially wish to acknowledge our transport and hydrogen partners, Central Transport Ltd and Halcyon Power, for their support.”
Miraka, Central Transport and Halcyon entered into a partnership a year ago, establishing a Rural Hydrogen Hub, which Gradon said one day could be expanded nationwide.
“Launching our first green hydrogen dual-fuel milk collection tanker one year later is a tremendous achievement which we look forward to seeing rolled out across the fleet,” he said
Tūaropaki Trust, a cornerstone shareholder in Miraka, provides geothermal energy and steam for the Miraka dairy plant through its Mokai Power Station.
Under a joint venture partnership with Japan’s Obayashi Corporation, Tūaropaki established Halcyon Power, New Zealand’s first commercial-scale green hydrogen plant. Halcyon will supply the green hydrogen for the new tanker from their facility, which is adjacent to the Miraka dairy plant.