Manawatu Gorge alternatives project update

In Uncategorized2 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineNovember 24, 2017

NZTA‘s team of geologists and engineers took to the skies on Wednesday morning for a helicopter view of the four short listed options. The aerial review is an essential component of the assessment of the options for the SH3 alternative route.

The flight took the team over the approximate routes suggested for all four options to allow for a visual assessment of the topography, and to verify earlier desktop analysis.

NZTA will confirm a preferred approach for the Manawatu Gorge alternative route by mid-December.

Management of alternative routes

The Saddle Road Upgrade Project is progressing well, with activities focused near the summit. Work at this location will continue under stop/go traffic management over the coming weeks. These works will at times run into the night, so drivers using this route may experience some delays during the day and night.

No further major maintenance works are planned for the next couple of weeks on the Saddle Road or Pahiatua Track but NZTA say they will continue to monitor the condition of both these routes and respond quickly to any issues as they arise.

Further repairs and reseals on the Saddle Road will begin on 11 December and this will result in partial closures of the Saddle Road. NZTA will provide more details of these closures and works in the coming weeks.

Update on temporary bypass of Ashhurst & Woodville realignment

NZTA have not been able to announce any substantive news about the options for the temporary bypass of Ashhurst for some weeks, and say they appreciate this is causing frustration. Work is continuing in this area and NZTA say they will provide more information as soon as there are new developments. They are also continuing their investigation of the realignment options for Woodville.

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