HVMS secures Guardian Hydrogen Diesel System for NZ

HVMS has partnered with Canadian company Diesel Tech Industries to establish installation facilities for the Guardian Hydrogen Diesel System.
The initiative marks a significant step towards advancing sustainable solutions within New Zealand’s heavy transportation sector.
The Guardian Hydrogen Diesel System, developed by Diesel Tech Industries, is internationally recognised, and represents a cutting-edge dual-fuel technology designed to lower emissions and enhance operational efficiency in diesel-powered vehicles.
HVMS will leverage its expertise in procurement, installation, and compliance to support New Zealand companies in transitioning to cleaner transport solutions through vehicle conversions and educational initiatives.
“Having the industry-leading Guardian Hydrogen Diesel System commercially available to our New Zealand and Australian customers is a game changer, allowing fleet owners to continue to utilise their existing diesel-powered assets whilst making solid steps towards decarbonisation,” said Mark Irving, business development manager at HVMS.
“Hundred per cent hydrogen OEM vehicles are still some years away with respect to suitable supply and affordability, making the Guardian Hydrogen Diesel System a viable and prudent dual fuel product for today, helping cut diesel use and reduce emissions,” he said
Scotty Hale, HVMS director, said the concept of dual fuel appears to be resonating the best with heavy fleet owners.
“With hydrogen now commercially available since May 2024, the timely emergence of the DTI hybrid solution throughout New Zealand will be a gamechanger, offering affordable solutions for companies as they continue their important decarbonisation journey,” he said.
HVMS is poised to accelerate the adoption of the Guardian Hydrogen Diesel System through its comprehensive service offerings, encompassing installation, integration, and training.