J Swap Contractors purchased its first Kenworth T904 in 2003. Fleet No.920 was designed and built for the heavy-haulage division. The 120-tonne rated truck is powered by a Caterpillar C15 engine set at 550hp with a 20 series 18-speed Eaton Roadranger transmission and 51-160 Meritor drive axles, sitting on Kenworth six-rod rear suspension.
Over almost two decades, it has predominantly towed a four rows of eight low-loader, with a two rows of eight dolly (load divider) when heavier loads were on board.
At other times, the Kenworth could be seen with a bulk tipping B-train or a bottom-dump semi on local roading work.
She’s semi-retired now but this tractor unit’s speedometer shows a spectacular 1,750,000km (1.26 million miles).

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