It feels like just yesterday I was writing the end-of-year editorial message as 2021 drew to a close. But that was 48 EDMs and 32 editorials ago… 2022 has disappeared in a frenzy of activity all round!
But with fuel shortages and upping prices; Three Waters heading to law; the grapple with increasing crime rates; and rising inflation and interest rates stretching the limits of income, affordability and debt, even the last month of 2022 has shaped up to be a rollercoaster.
The year has certainly been one. On the ups, we had two major infrastructure projects coming to fruition: the opening of Transmission Gully and the Hamilton section of the Waikato Expressway, and the Mt Messenger Bypass kicking off. We also had a superb round of industry events in the Trucking Industry Summit, Road Ahead Conference and the TMC Trucking Industry Show. Matariki became a public holiday and Covid-19 finally faded into the background as New Zealand opened up again and got on with life.
On the downs, Marsden Point was decommissioned; the country was continually battered by severe weather; an Auckland dairy worker was stabbed and killed in a robbery. And need we mention the two most noteworthy international events of the year, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the passing of Queen Elizabeth II?
Nevertheless, as we try to forget all that and slip into the goodness of the holiday season, enjoying some much-needed R&R and time with loved ones, some thanks are in order.
Firstly, to each and every member of the trucking industry – and everyone related to it – for your hard work and dedication to keeping New Zealand moving this year. Thank you also to the readers, listeners, followers, supporters and advertisers for your continued support. It’s been a busy year for our small team across our various print, digital and now broadcast platforms – but we’ve loved every minute of it and hope you have enjoyed the ride, too. And, on that note, my personal thanks to the team behind the scenes at New Zealand Trucking Media for the passion and dedication you put into everything we do.
May we all be in for a 2023 with more ups than downs.
All the best, be safe, and happy holidays!
Gavin Myers