Kamo Truck Show 2024
This year’s Kamo Touch-a-Truck Show, held at Hurupaki School on Auckland Anniversary Weekend, attracted 80 entries, a record for the event and almost double the number of entries for the 2023 show.
100 years young
Southpac Trucks’ KW100 event was more than just a Kiwi-as celebration of the Kenworth brand’s centenary in 2023. It will go down in the hearts of local – and quite a few international – trucking enthusiasts as a day to never forget.
Mobility galore
It’s a forward-facing show for the most part, pointing toward what’s coming and what might be feasible, rather than all about the here and now. What used to be the Tokyo Motor Show is today the Japan Mobility Show, for not all things have an engine anymore. This year’s event was as awe- inspiring as ever, with some strong hints as to...
Grand machines
After heavy overnight rain, Saturday 4 November dawned fine and clear, much to the relief of everyone taking part in the eighth annual Dave Carr Memorial Truck Run. This year it was so good to see a number of new faces and trucks on the run – along with the usual reprobates!
Shining in the Southern Sun
Invercargill showcased an impressive truck parade and exhibition during Labour Weekend in October, offering an insightful cross-section of the dynamic transport industry.
Come rain or shine
Entry numbers were low this year for the Alexandra Blossom Festival Parade of Trucks, but Mother Nature can take a bow for that. Adverse weather conditions leading up to the Saturday of the truck show saw Friday’s festival events canned altogether. Some entrants from the Maniototo were even preparing trucks in the snow…