Clarence Dakin drives one of the two 14-axle log-trains located at the Tasman Pulp and Paper Mill in Kawerau in the sunny Bay of Plenty. The 1982 Pacific is powered by a Cummins 444 engine with a manual gearbox. Rochelle Thomas was riding shotgun in another truck when she was lucky enough to spot the Pacific and its three trailers. She met Clarence at what is known as the ‘Airfield‘, an area that ‘s part of the Tasman log yard. Clarence has been working for Pederson Group for 15 years, currently in the role of log out operator transferring logs within the mill confines. Before that he worked as a heavy machinery operator for 35 years at Fletcher Construction. W hen asked what he liked best about driving, Clarence said, “ The challenges it brings, being outdoors and not stuck in an office”. He thinks the biggest problem with the industry as he sees it is that there are not enough experienced operators.
When asked the vexing question ‘ bacon and egg or steak pie?‘ Clarence could not decide, so his answer was “Both!”
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