A decades-long project for two trucking enthusiasts – Canadian René Buron and Australian Darren Hingston – has reached completion with a book detailing the history of Australian worldwide transportation group, TNT.
Buron said TNT. Anything. Anytime. Anywhere… Sure We Can, is an exhaustive account of the history of “a very different and exceptional carrier and also brings a complete perspective about the transport industry.”
TNTs story started in 1946, and over the years, the company has invested in all sectors of the transport industry, from the delivery of mail to the movement of heavy and extra heavy loads and expanded internationally. The book covers 134 pages and includes more than 200 photos, diagrams, charts and timelines illustrating the TNT journey.
Buron says the target readership is people working in the transport sector and, more specifically, ex-TNT employees who have worked for the group in New Zealand, where Alltrans and later TNT had a major footprint (including divisions Kwikasair, Comet, Union Shipping, Rudders and Holyman).
The book can be ordered online and costs approximately $64 in Australia and New Zealand (depending on the exchange rate), including taxes and shipping.