Autosense NZ helps keep Kiwis safer on the road with 3,000 Guardian units installed
Autosense has achieved a milestone 3,000 installations of the Guardian by Seeing Machines technology into customer vehicles in December 2020. Their goal is 4,000 by mid-2021
Autosense NZ offers safety solutions for heavy and light vehicle commercial fleets including real-time management of fatigue and distraction using Guardian by Seeing Machines technology.
The company began distributing Guardian in 2015. With exclusive distribution rights in New Zealand, Autosense has steady pipeline of clients installing the solution into their fleets, hitting the 3,000 milestone of Guardian units installed across the country, in December 2020.
AutoSense CEO, Charles Dawson said “Our vision is to help make NZ roads safer and Guardian fits perfectly with this as a way to prevent and manage dangerous driving events on the road, helping to keep all road users safer. It nicely complements our online learning modules, in vehicle coaching and assessments and simulation and virtual reality training. We know that Guardian works, because we‘ve seen the evidence firsthand.”
The installation of Guardian to New Zealand fleets has steadily increased over the past couple of years. Key transport brands within New Zealand and Australia have installed Guardian into their fleets including Mainfreight, NZ Post, Hancock Forest Management, Linfox, Z Energy and more recently TIL Logistics.
Alan Pearson, CEO of TIL Group says “Safety is one of our key values at TIL and one we are very focused on continuing to improve and adapt in our culture. Guardian is a key technology that is helping to keep our drivers safe, and we wouldn‘t be without it”.
Dawson puts down the steady demand for Guardian units to a greater awareness from transport businesses on the level of fatigue in the transport industry and also how distraction is also becoming a key factor in road accidents.
“We have spent a huge amount of time educating transport operators and their drivers on the benefits of the Guardian technology. Knowing that driver engagement is a big part of a business installing the technology, we now have a dedicated role within our business which focuses on training and education of Guardian.
“We are pleased with how far we have come with Guardian, but we are committed to reaching our next milestone of 4,000 units installed by 30 June 2021” says Dawson.
Dynes Transport has just being signed to install Guardian across their fleet of 150 trucks, and Toll NZ also committing to installing across their fleet of 100. Says Matt Horan, CEO of Dynes Group “We recognize fatigue as a very real issue for drivers, and as we care deeply about our people anything that helps protect them is a no brainer. Having Guardian installed across our fleet was the easiest decision we‘ve made in the last 12 months”.
AutoSense has been recognized by Brake‘s Australasian Fleet Champions Awards, receiving a Highly Commended in the Fleet Product Safety category. Caroline Perry from Brake said “AutoSense has demonstrated a significant commitment to reducing fleet road risk, in particular addressing driver fatigue and distraction with their customers using Guardian. Brake is committed to sharing best practice in fleet safety and recognising companies that are working to reduce incidents involving vehicles being driven for work through our awards. We congratulate AutoSense on their highly commended entry at this year‘s awards in recognition of their work.”