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Fads and fiction

When presented with exciting new ways to supposedly lose weight without much effort or by removing entire food groups…

Full to overflowing

As is so often the case, 52-year- old Lloyd Rutherford has a great backstory, full of adventure, challenge, and…

Golden Heritage

You don’t have to go far in New Zealand to meet one of Regal Haulage’s gold Volvos. The company as we know it today was…

Worker participation – some changes

One of the fundamental pillars of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 is worker participation, ensuring workers have…

Custom truck portraits

A significant interest in vehicles led artist Rochelle Thomas to start painting cars – and before long she moved onto…

Zen and the art of trucking towards a better future

Have you read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance? No? You’re far from alone, even though it became a classic the…

The right MAN for the job

After six years and five units, R & H Transport owner-driver Hayden Campbell celebrates his relationships with MAN and…

Advancing the trucking industry through innovation and safety

The New Zealand Trucking Association and National Road Carriers are set to host the TMS (Technology, Maintenance and…

Costs all heading in the wrong direction

As the cost of international freight trends back towards pre-Covid-19 rates, with capacity and stability returning to…

TMC’s diamond anniversary

TMC is one of the longest-serving trailer manufacturers in New Zealand. In 2023, it celebrates 75 years in business –…

Let’s encourage innovation and technology

Technology has brought massive change for the better in our industry. The saying ‘Don’t let those who say it can’t be…