The Clive Taylor Story

Before Clive Taylor left the company he started in the 1970s, new owners Sooty and Tania Breach recorded a video of his…

Never saying no

As retirement plans go, buying a haulage company doesn’t stand out as an easy option, but the couple who bought long-…

It could be a lot worse

Those who are interested hopefully will have by now diagnosed the Budget and worked out how it affects them. Of course,…

Top Truck of the Year 2024

It’s time for the John Murphy Memorial Top Truck 2023-24!

The Rural Way

GVT Landline is a longstanding name in North Canterbury transport. Iveco is one of the newer truck brands in its fleet,…

King Kuri Monster Mack

When the Mack Super-Liner LT was released in the mid-2000s by Mack Trucks Australia, the promotional brochure…

Truckloads of support

Scania knows Kiwi truckies are a discerning bunch, which is why the overwhelmingly positive results from a recent…

Cost shouldn’t be a barrier to training

Cost can be a significant barrier for transport operators when considering implementing formal training into their…