The Clive Taylor Story
Before Clive Taylor left the company he started in the 1970s, new owners Sooty and Tania Breach recorded a video of his…
Never saying no
As retirement plans go, buying a haulage company doesn’t stand out as an easy option, but the couple who bought long-…
It could be a lot worse
Those who are interested hopefully will have by now diagnosed the Budget and worked out how it affects them. Of course,…
The Rural Way
GVT Landline is a longstanding name in North Canterbury transport. Iveco is one of the newer truck brands in its fleet,…
King Kuri Monster Mack
When the Mack Super-Liner LT was released in the mid-2000s by Mack Trucks Australia, the promotional brochure…
Truckloads of support
Scania knows Kiwi truckies are a discerning bunch, which is why the overwhelmingly positive results from a recent…
Cost shouldn’t be a barrier to training
Cost can be a significant barrier for transport operators when considering implementing formal training into their…