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Glazing into the Crystal Ball for 2023

‘Significant’ is a word I think will feature regularly as we look across the coming year and review the shorter- and…

Stroke and Driving: What the risks look like, and how to prevent them

Each year, about 9000 people in New Zealand have a stroke. We speak to Dr Karim Mahawish, a stroke specialist at…

Up close and almost personal eCanter next generation

Fuso’s New Generation eCanter will really take the fight out into the streets. We may not have buried the boot in one…

Show Goes On

Despite the storm that ravaged Auckland and Northland for the previous two days, and the closure of the main arterial…

ShiftUp gives aspiring truckies an extra foot in the door

More than 32,000 people are employed as truck drivers in New Zealand – but with 93% of all freight in New Zealand…

Summer Work

Summer is the favourite season for many of us. We love the long days, the hot weather and the chance to be outside.…

Police powers to target fleeing drivers

When a driver decides to flee a scene, it can have significant consequences for them, their family and friends, the…

Cashflow Forecasting

Creating a cashflow forecast at the beginning of the year is the best way to remain on track with your targets for the…

HARMfree Transport launching this year!

The transport sector needs help to mitigate the risks of psychosocial harm in the workplace. Transport workers are…

Is it still ok to dream?

For my first story of 2022, I chose the title, The Year that Never Was. If this was so for 2021, then 2022 must surely…

IRTENZ Conference 2022

Under the banner of Evolution to Revolution, the 17th IRTENZ conference focussed on the current and future movements…