Protecting your fleet in harsh terrain

RAPTOR, renowned for its tough, resilient surface solutions, is a reliable choice for transport operators seeking…

Hard work and cops and robbers

Born in Wellington in 1948, Mike ‘Charlie’ Charlton left school at 14 and spent two years as a shearer. When he was 16,…

The gift that keeps on giving

Does anyone else feel like local and central government infrastructure spending is the gift that keeps giving?

Why do we exercise?

We need to look beyond the facade of all of the fitness rubbish out there, and try to relate it back to ourselves, our…

‘Gem’ GEM973 – 2012 K108E

This truck was ordered new off the spec sheet from Southpac in 2012. It was first built as a nine-axle truck and…

Towards a greener future

Vipal Rubber continues its look at sustainable innovations in tyre retreading.

‘The B-train’ JWT372 – 2016 K200

The story behind this truck is that it was spec'd and built as a tractor unit late in 2015 for another transport…

In the middle of an endless cycle

”Nobody melts steel in New Zealand anymore in any great quantity. That’s been the big change in the local scrap…

30 years of innovation

The FH celebrated its 30th birthday last year, and to mark this milestone, Volvo invited Will Shiers to Germany to…

Against the tide

It may sound negative, but 39-year-old Shannon de Vos is almost an anomaly as far as modern-day Kiwi career ambition…

To the shredder!

Being a bit of a petrolhead with a love for all things automotive, knowledge of one aspect of the lifecycle of a…

Service at the heart

Ambitious, passionate and values-driven, Ryan Marra has a vision for a truck service network that puts the customer…