Work crews position the new Oteramika Stream box culvert into place. Photo courtesy of Fulton Hogan
A two-year project to construct the $14 million State Highway 1 Edendale Realignment has reached the halfway mark.
Due for completion in mid-2020, the realignment will improve safety and increase accessibility for Southland communities and businesses.
Work is underway on building the fourth leg of the roundabout that will serve as the new milk tanker access road for the Fonterra dairy plant. Site clearance work, including tree felling, has commenced in advance of water and power relocation/ installation and pavement construction. Recent wet weather has slowed progress on this work a little.
The largely completed four-leg roundabout at the southern end of the new alignment. Photo courtesy of Fulton Hogan
Progress so far this year
The NZTA has installed what is believed to be Southland‘s largest concrete box culvert that will carry the Oteramika Stream under the new alignment. Kerb construction at the roundabout has been completed and asphalt laid on the roundabout and its approaches. This was paved using two circulating paving crews to eliminate cold join issues with each layer of asphalt. Higher temperatures are needed to apply the final layer of seal, which means leaving this task until the warmer spring months.
All 2.6 kilometres of the alignment have been paved, lighting at the roundabout has been installed and tested, and a large drainage pond formed beside the roundabout. Wire rope safety barriers are now being fitted along the alignment.
Project benefits
Improved safety for highway users and the Edendale community.
Shifts highway traffic away from Edendale, including the local primary school.
Creates more safe passing opportunities for SH1 traffic travelling between Invercargill and Gore.
Provides a consistent speed across a safe new highway alignment.
Creates a modern section of highway free of tight curves, intersections and rail crossings. All of which are issues on the current section of SH1 through Edendale.
Improved access and safety on Southland‘s main road freight route, and a more direct highway connection between Gore and Invercargill, and destinations beyond the Southland region.
Work in progress includes the pavement construction of the Fonterra access road, and the tie-ins at each end to SH1 and into the Edendale township. There will also be more sealing, application of line markings, installation of safety barriers, and landscaping.
Key features
A new highway alignment bypassing Edendale and the Fonterra dairy plant, the largest in the southern hemisphere.
A four-legged roundabout design that caters for the 100km/h speed environment on the two highway approach links.
The highway will take a right-angle route at the roundabout. The two other legs on the roundabout connect to Edendale via Salford Street and the Fonterra site.
A dedicated passing lane for northbound highway traffic.
A stock and light farm vehicles underpass to reduce highway crossings associated with the day-to-day operations of nearby farms.