South Auckland cartage contractor Specialised Transport Limited has picked up the gauntlet and thrown its weight behind Movember, moustaching its fleet of trucks with the iconic Movember Mo to raise awareness for the Movember cause and perhaps a little cash as well.
STL manager Dean Turner says it started as a simple conversation on the deck at home with his daughter and marketing guru Brooke Gascoigne, about promoting the business. The ideas quickly snowballed and the decision was made to get behind a good cause that holds the same standards and morals as the family business.
“There‘s no better cause for us to support than Movember,” says Brooke. “They‘re all about men‘s health and that‘s a big issue in New Zealand, our men are very stoic and being a male-dominated industry it made sense.
“Coming out of Covid it‘s been a really rough year that has taken its toll on people mentally. We wanted to get involved with something positive, worthwhile and relatable to the industry.”
Dean says that with few younger guys entering the industry to drive trucks, the average age of the industry is rising and the health of the drivers is paramount.
“At first the drivers were a little standoffish, but they‘ve picked it up and run with it. The majority of feedback has been really good,” he says.
Having just bought 16 new Fusos from Keith Andrews Trucks over the past few months, which were sign written by Transvisual, the two companies have aligned with STL for this campaign. Transvisual made and applied all the signage and mos for the trucks. “We couldn’t have done it without either Keith Andrews or Transvisual,” says Brooke.
The STL campaign can be followed on the company‘s Facebook page throughout the month (hashtag #stlxmovember) and you can support the STL Movember fundraiser by clicking here.
“We didn‘t have a dollar amount in mind for the fundraiser, we just want to support the cause. The more we can get the word around the more we‘ll help people become aware of what it‘s all about, and hopefully they‘ll donate to it as well,” says Dean.