1 October – new animal welfare rules

1 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineSeptember 28, 2018

On 1 October new animal welfare regulations come into effect. According to MPI animal welfare sector liaison team manager Leonie Ward, carriers currently complying won‘t see significant change, believing if they are diligent in doing their job under the Act, the regulations provide a level of protection for carriers.

The regulations make it easier for MPI and SPCA to take action against animal mistreatment. New penalties such as fines will be issued for certain actions, however the worst offenders will still be prosecuted under the Animal Welfare Act 1999.

MPI suggest:

Check – Are you doing it right? Encourage others to check too. www.mpi.govt.nz/animalregs

Ask – Email us your questions animalwelfare@mpi.govt.nz

Tell – Call us about an animal welfare issue 0800 00 83 33

Download – The Fit for Transport App on your phone
