Roading investment to unlock Tairawhiti‘s economic potential

2 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineSeptember 10, 2018

Regional Economic Development Minister Shane Jones has announced an investment of up to $137 million from the Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) to help unlock Tairawhiti‘s economic potential through stronger, safer and more resilient transport connections.

The National Land Transport Programme is investing $232 million in Tairawhiti, meaning the total investment in Tairawhiti‘s land transport network is expected to be $369 million.

Jones said the road network in Tairawhiti has suffered from historical under-investment and recurring extreme weather events.

“The locals have repeatedly told me they need an efficient and reliable road network that better connects the community, helps them get goods from farm gates and forests to the local and global market, and supports tourism.

“That‘s why the Government is providing Tairawhiti with a much-needed boost from the PGF to improve the safety and resilience of critical infrastructure and create sustainable economic growth in the region.”

The funding announcement will help to unlock the region‘s potential by:

  • improving the connections between the region and major transport hubs and markets;
  • safeguarding visitor and business access to the region;
  • generating employment and skills development opportunities through a stable pipeline of construction work over a sustained period and increased investments in the region; and
  • enabling Maori to better participate in the economy.

“The purpose of the PGF is to accelerate regional development, increase regional productivity, and contribute to more, better-paying jobs. I‘m confident that the announcement will achieve each and every one of these goals,” Jones said.
