Steve Matila

In Just Truckn Around, September 20162 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineSeptember 5, 2016

Steve Matila Driving for Seatea Haulage of Tauranga, Steve Matila was filling his truck at the new Allied fuel stop in Levin when Faye Lougher stopped for a chat.

Steve was in a 2012 Kenworth K200 with a 6-axle fold-side trailer.

He was carrying a load of scrap metal he‘d picked up at Macaulay Metals in Wellington and was heading to Sims Pacific Metals in Auckland. It was a hot summer‘s day and he said he was glad of the Icepack air conditioning system fitted to his truck. Running independently of the engine, it provided instant cold when he stopped. “It‘s awesome.” Steve has been driving for 35 years, following uncles and other relatives into the industry.
“It‘s all in the genes. For me getting out and about and not being stuck in one place is great. If you stay home you get too many chores to do!” The biggest problem Steve sees in the industry today is the lack of experienced drivers.

“ There are plenty of steerers but not enough drivers,” he says.

As for the vexing question of lawns versus concrete, for someone who doesn‘t like chores Steve‘s answer was surprising – lawns.
“I don‘t mind mowing. The way to do it is put a six-pack on each corner!”

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