Public invited to learn more about Baypark to Bayfair Link project

In Uncategorized1 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineOctober 11, 2017

The NZ Transport Agency is holding information days this Friday and Saturday for the Baypark to Bayfair Link project.

Members of the public are invited to find out more about the construction of the two flyovers and understand how pedestrians and cyclists will be catered for in the final design.

Transport Agency Portfolio Manager, Peter Simcock says the open days will be a chance for the community to speak to the team about what will happen during construction.

“At the open days this Friday and Saturday we‘ll have people on hand to answer questions about the project.

“We want to keep people informed so there will be an overview of the construction and what people can expect to see in the coming months,” Mr Simcock says.

The $120 million project will be safer for all road users, save people time during peak traffic, and support the economic growth and productivity in the region.

You can view the stages of construction and artist impressions here:

Open day details:

Suite 2, Baypark, Truman Lane, Mt Maunganui

Friday 6 October 1- 7pm

Saturday 7 October 11am – 3pm
