Reversals to Labour’s blanket speed limit reductions are underway, and will be in place by 1 July, says new Minister of Transport Chris Bishop.
National campaigned on reversing the blanket speed limit reductions at the last election, and 65 per cent of submitters during consultation on the Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2024 were for the reversals.
Reversing the reductions were also part of the National-ACT coalition agreement.
The Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2024 requires NZTA and local councils to reverse all speed limits lowered since January 2020 on several categories of roads back to their previous limits by 1 July 2025.
The new rule will see 38 sections of state highway up for speed limit auto reversal, with 49 sections of state highway up for community consultation.
“Where Labour was about slowing New Zealand down, the coalition Government is all about making it easier for people and freight to get from A to B as quickly and efficiently as possible, which will help drive economic growth and improved productivity, said Bishop.
The first state highway to have its speed limit reversed was the section of SH2 between Featherston and Masterton – this took affect on Wednesday this week.
“To ensure this process happens efficiently, over the next few months NZTA will incorporate the automatic speed reversal work alongside planned maintenance and project works,” Bishop said.
“I have also released a further list of 49 sections of state highway for further public consultation so local communities can have their say on keeping their current lower speed limit or returning to the previous higher speed.”
Public consultation on those sections opened this week.
In terms of local road changes, councils have until 1 May 2025 to advise NZTA of the specified roads subject to reversal under the new rule.”
The new rule requires reduced variable speed limits outside schools during pick up and drop off times.
“We are prioritising the safety of Kiwi kids by introducing reduced speed limits outside schools during pick-up and drop-off times. We want to see these changes brought about quickly,” Bishop said.
“By 1 July 2026, local streets outside a school will be required to have a 30km/h variable speed limit. Rural roads that are outside schools will be required to have variable speed limits of 60km/h or less.
“Throughout the world, 50km/h is used as the right speed limit to keep urban roads flowing smoothly and safely. The evidence on this is clear – comparable countries with the lowest rates of road deaths and serious injuries, such as Norway, Denmark, and Japan, have speed limits of 50km/h on their urban roads, with exceptions for lower speed limits.
“These countries have strong road safety records, targeting alcohol, drugs, and speeding. Our Government has a clear focus on improving road safety outcomes with clear targets to ensure Police are focussed on the most high-risk times, behaviours, and locations.”