Iveco to convert 700-vehicle fleet for German supermarket chain

In Iveco, News1 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineMay 26, 2023

Iveco will support German food retailer EDEKA in converting the entire 700-vehicle company fleet from diesel to BioLiquified Natural Gas propulsion by 2025.

In a second step towards completing the conversion, EDEKA recently placed an order for 125 Iveco S-Way LNG trucks, adding to the 150 ordered in 2022.

The Iveco S-Way LNG trucks, with their Cursor 13 NG engine by FPT Industrial, the powertrain brand of Iveco Group, are viable alternatives when switching to more sustainable freight transport. Converting its fleet to these vehicles, EDEKA will cut CO2 emissions by up to 95% compared to the diesel trucks it is replacing.

The vehicles also have the low-noise advantage of a natural gas engine and are therefore perfect for environmental and traffic-calmed zones, as well as night deliveries to stores.

The 275 new trucks will be combined with another 80 LNG-powered Iveco trucks already operating in the EDEKA green fleet, which leverages the Bio-LNG filling station located at EDEKA’s logistics centre in Lauenau, Germany.