Teletrac Navman and CCNZ announce results of survey into civil construction industry

5 MinutesBy NZ Trucking magazineAugust 6, 2019

The civil construction industry is eagerly awaiting ‘record spending‘ on three waters, public transport and road safety improvements to bring financial certainty and stability so it can work towards overcoming New Zealand‘s infrastructure deficit.

Results from the 2019 Construction Industry Survey, a joint research project commissioned by Teletrac Navman and Civil Contractors New Zealand (CCNZ), reveal uncertainty in the pipeline of new projects is severely impacting the civil construction workforce, which is anticipated to need tens of thousands of new workers in the coming years.

  • Over three quarters (77 percent) of respondents thought the most positive impact on the industry over the next three years would be the development of a clearer pipeline of government and local government work.

  • Close to one-third (27 percent) of contractors will be looking to increase their capability in three waters projects (freshwater, stormwater and wastewater), followed by roading and residential (both 18 percent) and public transport (15 percent).

  • Respondents indicated fewer new staff will be needed in the next 12 months than in the previous two years. 

  • In 2017, only two percent thought their staff would decrease and 19 percent said that they would hire eleven or more staff members on the spot.

  • In 2019, 12 percent anticipated a staff decrease, and only four percent would hire 11 plus staff.

A clearer, more reliable flow of work and projects brings certainty to both businesses and people in the industry, enabling them to undertake the important work needed in updating and improving New Zealand‘s infrastructure. If contractors are unable to see when proposed projects will come to market, this prevents them from investing in their businesses,” says CCNZ chief executive Peter Silcock.

“The survey shows contractors are already looking to diversify in the project types they can deliver in anticipation of significant public projects entering the market. A clearer work programme will enable them to better plan their diversification and make the best investment in people, skills, equipment and technology.

“The report suggests the industry understands the need to invest in the workforce, but many businesses, are being impacted by lowest price procurement and just don‘t have the margins built into their contracts to do so. It is very clear that we need the support of the industry‘s largest clients – local and central government – if we are going to invest in our people. That sort of support is vital and will be warmly welcomed by the industry,” says Silcock.

Contractors welcomed the government‘s increased emphasis on training and development of people and other social outcomes through the Construction Accord and new procurement rules. Over two-thirds (64 percent) of respondents thought an emphasis on training would have a positive impact over the next three years. The results indicate that a large proportion of training is delivered on-the-job in the civil construction industry; however only 61 percent felt they had the current resources to train people.

“Training is absolutely crucial in the infrastructure sector. These businesses work on large-scale, multi-million dollar projects that are vital to our standard of living. Things like water, transportation, communication and energy that impact on our everyday lives and public safety,” says James French, construction industry specialist at Teletrac Navman.

“A number of gaps in off-job training were highlighted by survey respondents in everything from training in safe chemical handling to specialist drilling equipment. However, the most needed off-job training was in operating specialist equipment and machinery. Training needs will likely increase as new technology changes the way machinery and equipment operates, and the types of projects undertaken. A good example is light rail,” says French.

“Investments in the workforce will have a long-term positive impact on the industry, but it needs commitment from all corners of the industry: clients, suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, and individual staff.”

A report on the findings of the 2019 Construction Industry Survey is available to download here:

